Chicago bike lane crashes and obstructions

From January 2020 through July 2022, there have been at least 439 vehicle crashes in Chicago bike lanes. Milwaukee Avenue’s bike lanes have seen more crashes than any other street in the city with bike lanes.


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Fatal crashes on Milwaukee Ave.
Bike crashes
Tickets for parking in the bike lane
311 complaints for parking in a bike lane

Shared Lane
Buffered Bike Lane
Bike Lane
Protected Bike Lane
The ticketing, crash and 311 complaint data is from January 2020 through July 2022. Sam Bell was killed in a bike lane crash on Sept. 8, 2022, and his death was added to the map.
Sources: City of Chicago Finance Department via FOIA request, City of Chicago 311 data via FOIA request, City of Chicago crash data. Data analysis by Casey Toner. Map by Cesar Calderon.